French production
81% of French people now prefer to buy products made in France.
The term "French know-how" has a generally positive international image.
So why choose the Made in France option? The manufacturing process varies in every country in Europe and around the globe. The main criteria sought and obtained with French manufacturing are quality, support for the local economy, followed by product safety through standards and creativity!
In our world of children's premium and childcare equipment, the local manufacture of our products by French companies, each specialized in its own field (wood, paper), offers a wealth of creative possibilities. The distribution of French-brand products is also part of our mission. That's the richness of our products.
French manufacturing guaranteed: from design to conception.
Because we're proud of our products made in France, we've decided to showcase them on our store!
It's easy to find all our "Made in France" products. Look for the logo on the visuals.
Games and toys
Toys designed, engineered and manufactured in France, to be offered in a children's premium, means knowing how to speak to these youngest customers.
Juvenile articles
It's great to be able to welcome and settle children in your establishment, and it's just as great to be able to use French childcare equipment!